Parivaar MP Update

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Parivaar MP Update
We have admitted 372 new children in last few weeks in our residential schools in Dewas district and Sehore district (251 boys and 121 girls). A major building for girls is coming up which will enable a lot more girls to be admitted.
With this our capacities in our MP residential institutions stand as follows :
1. Swami Vivekananda Sevashrama, Sandalpur (District Dewas) : Total 854.
2. Swami Vivekananda Vidyapeeth, Amla Noabad, District Sehore : Total 213.
3. Bhagini Nivedita Sadan, District Mandla (for girls) : 143.
4. Vivekananda Vidyarthi Sadan, District Mandla (for boys) : 61
In the last two mentioned in Mandla, we run hostels for children from Grade 9 to 12, and send them to Government schools.
I remember that in first ten years of starting Parivaar we had around 800 residential children in our Bengal institutions.
Now we are in our twentieth year, and our annual spend on serving the poorest of poor in last ten years has become 16 times as compared to the first ten. One might start slowly but then perseverance does pay.
To continue serving the poorest of poor Parivaar nèeds continuous support. To contribute please see
Parivaar@20 : Twenty Years of service in mission-mode

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